Tell us about our partner farmers and the people that we benefit by eating oob organic?

Tell us about our partner farmers and the people that we benefit by eating oob organic?

There isn’t enough organic farming in New Zealand to satisfy the demand for our customers in NZ and Australia, therefore after exhausting all available supply locally, we have encouraged a long time grower in Chile to partner with us, and to grow additional fruits to satisfy our needs. This is a close relationship which has culminated from many years of partnership and visits to and from Chile.

FAQ: What does 'regenerative' farming mean?

FAQ: What does 'regenerative' farming mean?

Regenerative farming is the practice of putting back into the soil what has been taken away. For example plants draw nutrition from the soil, and this needs to be replaced. By mulching the prunings, we are putting back organic matter into the soil. It also includes working on the biodiversity of the orchard, which involves utilising all the natural elements that existed prior to working the land. 

FAQ: how do you keep pests off organic fruit if you don't use pesticides?

FAQ: how do you keep pests off organic fruit if you don't use pesticides?

Our philosophy is that a healthy plant will not attract pests. Pests tend to target weaker plants, so we remove any plants showing signs of stress. Blueberries fortunately do not attract a wide array of pests. Lemon tree borer will target wounds from unclean pruning, so we ensure good practice with clean tolls and clean cuts to avoid this.