FAQ: are there any additives coating your frozen berries + fruit?

We're often asked if additives such as sugar, free-flowing agents, chemicals or preservatives are added to our frozen berries and fruits. 

The answer is.... there are absolutely no additives on our frozen berries and fruits.

Our frozen berries and fruit are simply:

  • grown in 100% certified organic conditions
  • picked
  • snap frozen
  • packed and delivered to your local supermarket! 

Our frozen fruit is grown and sourced from organic certified farmers who follow the same organic principals, certification approvals and processes as we do. Food safety is paramount and we take every precaution at every stage of the production process.

All of our frozen fruit complies with strict USDA Food Safety Procedures, in accordance with International, Australian and New Zealand Regulations (and as part of the USDA and NZ certifying body we are required to have the fruit tested for contaminants and residue testing).

Our berries would definitely not come in contact with any sprays, chemicals or pesticides before packaging.

Because we snap freeze our berries and fruit at the maximum point of freshness, there's no need for free-flowing agent or preservatives. 

Our products follow the principles of 'no nasties' for optimal nutrition of you and your family. 

We trust this answers your query and hope you continue to enjoy oob organic products!