
Charred Sweetcorn Salad

Charred Sweetcorn Salad

This yummy charred corn salad is just so easy and so good! Use the crispy warm wedges to scoop up the salad-y goodness which is full of nutritious veges, avocado and tasty seasoning. Thanks so much to Elisa from @oceanvegan for creating this recipe - perfect for a quick meal that doesn’t compromise on taste or goodness! Check out @oceanvegan for more delicious foodie inspo and beautiful recipes.

Buddah Bowl with peas, corn, rice and protein

Buddah Bowl with peas, corn, rice and protein

When you're having one of 'those' weeks and not up for making complicated meals, Buddah Bowls are the perfect solution! Packed with protein, fresh greens, and good fats, this Bowl uses oob organic frozen veges (super-handy to have stashed in the freezer) along with tofu, pumpkin, tahini, fresh asparagus and avocado. Or create your own - they're great for adding leftovers to and switching up with seasonal produce #certifiedorganic #yum #natural #organic #amillionways #nourishment #breakfast #lunch #dinner #ooborganic