By Sheridan from Sheridan Joy
Sheridan Joy Austin is a speaker, nutrition consultant, recipe creator and writer. She is a qualified holistic Nutritionist and a certified Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) practitioner, whereby she uses food as medicine to support health and vitality. Follow her journey via her blog at or on Instagram @sheridanjoyaustin
"Out of most foods, I reeeeally suggest using organic berries. They are one of the most heavily sprayed crops, and if you’ve done your research on glyphosate you’ll know why we should be trying to get spray free or organic prod as much as we can. Unfortunately that sh^* is toxic, and to be a real Debbie downer, it’s a well and truly proven carcinogen. But on a brighter note! Here’s the recipe for this ice-creamy delight” - Sheridan
200g oob organic frozen bananas
2 tablespoons Collagen
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1/4 cup coconut milk or cream
1/2 cup oob organic raspberries
Stevia to taste if needed
Optional garnish of freeze dried berries and extra frozen berries
Really challenging. Blend all ingredients until reeeeally smooth, thick and creamy.
Blueberry Swirl Variation!
Same as above, just use oob organic blueberries instead 😉