Raspberry Chocolate Chia Pudding

Recipe by Joi from @joiful.me. 💕
Joi is mum to twins and on the journey to slow, conscious & mindful living.


  • oob organic frozen raspberries

  • Cacao powder

  • Chia seeds

  • Nut milk

  • Vanilla extract

  • Maple syrup


1. Mix 1/4 cup chia seeds with 1 cup of any but milk of your choice (I make my own cashew/hazelnut milk)
2. Stir in the vanilla extract, a dash of maple syrup and 2-3 teaspoons is cacao powder
3. Mix well.
4. Stir in oob organic raspberries and leave it in the fridge over night to thicken.
5. Give it a good mix in the morning and top with frozen raspberries.

Perfect for warm summer mornings or even an afternoon treat! .

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