tropical mango coconut bars

By Buffy from Be Good Organics

After recovering from Graves disease with the help of a plant-based diet and lifestyle, Buffy founded Be Good Organics so she could share her knowledge and passion about this lifestyle with others. Since then, Be Good Organics has become New Zealand’s most well loved and frequented plant-based blog, with a global audience of now over 150,000. Head on over there now for more deliciously simple plant-based recipes, and easy-to-understand nutritional information! Insta @begoodorganics or


Makes 12. Takes 15 minutes + overnight to set

Cream Layer

  • 400mL coconut cream
  • 2 tbsp liquid sweetener (eg brown rice malt syrup / coconut nectar)
  • 1 tsp guar gum (optional)

Mango Layer

  • 3 cups oob organic frozen mango
  • 2 tbsp liquid sweetener
  • 1/2 tsp guar gum (optional)


  1. Blend cream ingredients on high until super smooth, set aside 1/4 c of the mix, then pour remainder into a lined square tin and place in the freezer for 20 minutes
  2. Blend mango ingredients with the remaining 1/4 c coconut cream, then pour onto the cream layer (once it’s set sufficiently)
  3. Freeze overnight, slice into bars and serve.
    Notes: The guar gum is optional, so you can make without and they’ll still taste delicious, but I’d recommend using it if you can, as it helps to give a traditional creamy ice cream texture, rather than them turning icy.
    For some extra zing, try some mixing a couple of tablespoons of passionfruit pulp into the mango layer before before layering