Mango Cheesecake

By Leah Itsines from @leahitsines and

VEGAN MANGO CHEESECAKE! πŸ’›πŸŒŸOh I absolutely LOVEEE this one! It's SUPER delicious, simple and also is GREAT to make in advance, freeze and take out when you have guests or if you want a healthy treat! I used frozen oob organic mango with chickpeas to make the smooth "cheesecake" section & the flavours are delicious! This recipe is vegan and organic!

Serves 6 - 8 individual cakes

ΒΎ cup of pitted dates
1.5 cups cashew kernels (un salted) 
6 tbsp. desiccated coconuts (or shredded) 
Β½ cup natural walnuts 
1 tsp vanilla essence 
4 tbsp. maple syrup
1 cup organic coconut milk 
1 cup frozen OOB organic mango 
Β½ lime, juiced


  1. Boil water and soak dates for 5 minutes before draining.

  2. In a strong food processor, add drained dates, walnuts, 3 tbsp. of maple syrup and 3 tbsp. of desiccated coconut.

  3. Blend until a chunky, but sticky paste.

  4. Spray a muffin tin with coconut oil to ensure nothing sticks. I used a silicone muffin tin so its super easy to pop out.

  5. Using around 1 tablespoon of mixture, press firmly down on the bottom of the tin to form a base. Set aside.

  6. Wash and clean food processor, ready for the next round of use.

  7. In the food processor, add cashews, 3 tbsp. of maple syrup, coconut milk and the remaining desiccated coconut.

  8. Blend until a SMOOTH consistency, this make take up to 10 minutes. The smoother the better, you don’t want a grainy mixture.

  9. Add the mango in after 5-7 minutes and continue to blend until super smooth. 

  10. Once smooth, fill the remaining space in the muffin tin to the top. 

  11. Freeze overnight with cling wrap and remove 30 minutes before serving.

  12. Serve with another dash of desiccated coconut and some more mango! 

OOB cheesecake (1 of 2).jpg