Dairy-Free Mango + Strawberry Icecream

This irresistible home-made icecream is coloured naturally with our certified organic frozen mango and strawberries, and made with condensed coconut milk. Thanks to Catharina from @popupgirl for dreaming up this decadent treat, made with just three ingredients from freezer + pantry, and super easy to make.



1 bag of oob frozen mango

1 bag of oob frozen strawberries

1 can of condensed coconut milk + keep 2 tbsp for the topping


1. Mix the frozen mango with half of the condensed coconut milk and process in a blender until smooth.

2. Mix the frozen strawberries with the rest of the condensed coconut milk and process in a blender until smooth.

3. Layer both the mango and strawberry ice cream alternating. With a spoon, 'paint' little swirls so the colors blend in with each other and creates a nice pattern.

4. Let chill in the freezer for at least 2 hours.

5. Serve in waffle cones and top with some condensed coconut milk.
