'even better for ya' rocky road

By Sheridan from Sheridan Joy

Sheridan Joy Austin is a speaker, nutrition consultant, recipe creator and writer. She is a qualified holistic Nutritionist and a certified Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) practitioner, whereby she uses food as medicine to support health and vitality. Follow her journey via her blog at www.sheridanjoy.com or on Instagram @sheridanjoyaustin

How could something possibly be so exciting? A Rocky Road that is seriously gut healing, good for your skin, detoxification, energy, will enhance your mood, and keep you satisfied for eternity (kinda). 

Firstly you must make the items that need to set; the jelly and the marshy. These need to set in your fridge for 1-2 hours, so get started on these and then worry about the chocolate and macadamia nuts. 



1 cup thawed organic raspberries (if there is juice from the raspberries from thawing, do not discard and just include it with the mix as it will intensify the flavour) I use the brand oob organic. 

  • 2 1/2 cups filtered water 
  • 1 lemon juice
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence 
  • 3 Tbsp gelatin

1 tbsp of your choice of sweetener, 10-15 drops liquid stevia, or monk fruit or Lakanto added to taste 


1. Blend 2 cups of the water with the raspberries on high for at least one minute. If using a granulated sweetener, add to this mix as well and blend with the raspberries. 

2. Using a strainer or a muslin cloth, pour the blended mix through and into another bowl and discard the seeds. Keep the strained mix reserved just for a moment. 

3. Combine the gelatine and the remaining 1/2 cup of water to 'bloom' the gelatine. This means that the gelatine will absorb the water and become a thick mass. 

4. In either your Thermomix or a low heated saucepan, add the gelatine mix and just a splash of the strained raspberry mix to heat through the gelatine so it dissolves/melts. Continue to stir through until well combined which will not take long. We are only adding a splash of the raspberry mix because we want to keep the nutrients in the raspberries in tact, for example heat destroys vitamin C. 

5. Remove from the heat, and pour the gelatine mix into the remaining raspberry mix along with all of the remaining ingredients. Stir until fully combined, have a little taste and decide whether you want to add a little more lemon or sweetness.

6. Pour the mix into a tin or container lined with baking paper, and place in the fridge to set. This will take a couple of hours.


Note: this makes a fair amount, so you will have some leftovers to nibble on or make more Rocky Road in future! 


  • 3 Tbsp gelatin
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 tsp vanilla powder, 1 vanilla pod, scraped or 3 tsp vanilla essence
  • A little pinch of salt
  • 3 Tbsp Lakanto, or 20 drops liquid stevia, or any other sweetener to taste. 


1. In a saucepan, combine the gelatin and water, allow to sit until the water is absorbed by the gelatin.

2. Add the remaining ingredients and stir.

3. Heat the saucepan to a low heat, and then stir consistently until the gelatin has completely dissolved and it looks just like liquid. 

4. Remove from the heat, and allow to cool to just above room temperature. 

5. Place in your blender and blend on low to medium speed for 20 minutes, or until it is quite firm and fluffy, and resembles the below photo. If you have a Thermomix, I blended it with the butterfly inserted, on speed 4, for 20 minutes. 

6. Line a flat container or tray thick enough for however thick you want your marshmallow, and then pour the mix in and smooth out with a spatula. 

7. Place in the fridge to set, which may take 1-2 hours. 

8. Once it has set, eat some! If some gelatin liquid has settled to the bottom and formed a jelly, as you are chopping into pieces for the Rocky Road, just slice that bit off. It happened to me the first time I made it, but I realised I needed to blend it longer which is why it is 20 minutes. All blenders/mixers will be different. 



  • 1 cup cacao powder
  • 1 cup melted ghee, coconut oil or a mixture of both (if you have some cacao butter, add a 1/4 cup of that and the rest ghee/coconut oil) 
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence or 1 tsp vanilla powder
  • Pinch of salt


1. In a bowl, mix the ingredients together well until completely smooth, set aside.




1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees celcius.

2. Place nuts on a flat tray and bake for 10 minutes, or until golden brown.

3. Remove from the oven, and set aside to cool.

4. Chop into smaller pieces if desired, ready to add to Rocky Road. 


1. Once the jelly and marshmallow are set, and the macadamia nuts are cooled, chop everything into pieces in the size that you desire. 

2. Line a couple of loaf tins, or a large thick tray. 

3. Scatter the different ingredients evenly in the tray(s), mixing them through so you get a a good combination in each bite! 

4. Drizzle the chocolate over the top of the ingredients, ensuring the top of the ingredient pieces are only JUST coated. Use your hands to mix everything through evenly. 

5. Set in the fridge for 30 minutes to an hour, slice, and enjoy! 

Rocky Road and Marsh1.jpg